Obama & JFK - Neckties & Hats

Posted by GOO | Posted in , , , | Posted on 15:02

Image : http://www.flickr.com

As a hatter, I find the fuss about Barack Obama on ties dislike very reminiscent of a day before me, (hold me now use the cliché "déjà vu All Over Again"). The links in the industry is certainly holding its breath (and probably put their dollars behind Hillary). John F. Kennedy 's objection hats is legendary in our industry. According to legend, who murdered John F. Kennedy business. And here is the comparison with Obama and hisnecktielessness is noteworthy because the crux of the matter is that the trend toward hatlessness building since the beginning of 19 to 20 Century.

Neil Steinberg's book very good, without a hat, Jack recognizes the President, the Fedora, and the story of an American style with the myth of JFK's [I suggest that interested in] the book for details. Suffice to say, a preference for Kennedy to go bareheaded was part of a trend that is building for decades.Was not the trend - as in general has been accused - but did so faster.

And 'certainly a trend towards the abolition of ties. Few men willingly put a tie in those days. According to Wikipedia: "While still common as late as 1966, in the course of 1967, years 1969, started the tie completely out of fashion a bit 'anywhere, only if necessary. After a brief resumption of fashion in 1980, 1990 years has seen the emergence of Internet-based (or dot-com companies)where most workers have not felt the need to wear a formal, compared with customers as the company's public image and appearance was websites like a face-to-face. There was also a sense of independence (general liberalism) and a new way of doing things. "

Experts in communication are comparisons between JFK and Obama likes. Well, here is another. When Barack Obama makes it to the White House, history may very likely blame Mr. O for the bonds of fashion. As Kennedyand hats, will not be true. But what can the current distaste for neckties a big boost. Well, if you have just brought a hat.

claritin Bubbles

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